When someone wants to invest in real estate, there are many financing solutions available. Several types of real estate loans are available depending on their project, their financial situation and their standard of living. Each type of real estate loan has its own particularities: duration, rate, condition, amount of monthly payments, etc. There are different types of home loans, each as adapted as the other, that you can choose.
Amortizable bank real estate loans
Bank loans are the most common form of financing, and almost all financial institutions are able to provide them. They are granted for all real estate projects such as the acquisition of a home, whether it is primary, secondary or rental. The totality of the real estate loan will be reimbursed only at the last maturity date.
The amortizable loan is a very common type of loan in France, the monthly payments are composed of the borrowed capital and interest. This type of loan is compatible with the conventional loan or the PTZ. For more information, visit the site " mon-credit.immo/" .
Non-depreciable bank real estate loans
In this category, you can distinguish between the bullet loan and the bridging loan. For the bullet loan, the monthly installments do not charge the borrowed capital, but only the interest. It is preferred by borrowers with available savings that will be, later on, backed. The borrowed capital will only be repaid in full at the last maturity date. Concerning the bridging loan, this last one is reserved for people owning a real estate property. This type of loan is intended for the financing of a new property after the sale of another one.
The assisted loans
Assisted home ownership loans are generally intended to finance the principal residence of a household wishing to purchase a home. There are certain loans that can finance even the entire amount of the property, while others, called complementary to the financing, will be limited to a quota established by decree. First of all, the Social Accession Loan (PAS Loan), granted by the State's partner banks, aims to finance the acquisition of a new or old property, with or without works. Can be cumulated with other loans such as the interest-free loan, the housing action loan gives the right to the APL or Personalized Housing Assistance. Then, the conventional Loan (PC Loan) which is also granted by banks in partnership with the State. Granted without any condition of income, it allows to finance the acquisition or construction of a residence with certain works. The Prêt à tout zéro plus (PTZ) supports a first-time household to become the owner of their home. It is a complementary loan to finance the purchase or construction of a principal residence, if the borrower meets certain conditions. Finally, the Housing Savings Loan (PEL) is intended for households who wish to buy, build or renew a main dwelling provided they have a Housing Savings Account or a Housing Savings Plan.